
Ballari District Gram Panchayat Recruitment: Apply Today

Ballari District Gram Panchayat is inviting applications for the position of Gram Panchayat Library and Information Center Supervisors. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply. Join our Telegram channel for more job updates.

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023: Overview Of The Job Notification

Ballari District Gram Panchayat Recruitment 2023: Find Out if You’re Eligible for Various Job Posts

Candidates applying should have passed the second PUC examination. They must have obtained a Certificate Course in Library Science and must have passed a minimum of 03 months computer course.

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023 Age Limit

The minimum age limit for candidates applying is 18 years. The maximum age limit is as follows:

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023 Salary

The selected candidates for these posts will be paid a monthly salary of Rs.15196.72/-.

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023 Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based on the merit and roster system based on the educational qualification. If two or more candidates have equal marks, the older ones will be considered for selection.

Step by Step to Apply Online

  1. Visit the official website of Ballari District Gram Panchayat.

  2. Find the recruitment notification and read it thoroughly.

  3. Click on the ‘Apply Online’ link.

  4. Fill in all the necessary details.

  5. Upload required documents.

  6. Pay the application fee, if any.

  7. Review your application and submit.

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023 Important Links

Ballari District Gram Panchayat 2023 Important Dates

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