
Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: 143 Vacancies for Assistant Grade III Post

The High Court of Chhattisgarh is inviting applications for the post of Assistant Grade III. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the position by submitting an online application form. To get daily updates, please join our Telegram channel.

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Overview of the Job Notification

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Find Out if You’re Eligible for Various Job Posts

The qualifications and eligibility criteria for the Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Age Limit

The age limit for the Assistant Grade III post is as follows:

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Salary

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Selection Process

Step by Step Guide to Apply Online for Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023

  1. Visit the official website of the High Court of Chhattisgarh.

  2. Click on the “Recruitment” tab.

  3. Find the link for the Assistant Grade III recruitment notification and click on it.

  4. Read the notification carefully and ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria.

  5. Click on the “Apply Online” link and fill out the application form with the required details.

  6. Upload scanned copies of your passport-size photo and other required documents.

  7. Submit the application form before the deadline of October 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Important Links

Chhattisgarh High Court Recruitment 2023: Important Dates

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